Many centuries ago, there was an Aztec emperor who had a very good and beautiful daughter named Ixtaccihuatl. One day, the emperor received news that his enemies were getting ready to attack his country. So the emperor called the bravest young warriors to his palance and said to them, "Since I am an old man, I cannot fight. So name the bravest warrior to act as head of our Aztec army. If he can conquer our enemies and establish peace in our lands, I shall give him my throne and the hand of my daughter."
"Popo is the bravest and the strongest. He should be our chief," all the warriors shouted, except one.
"Very well. Popocatepetl, you are the cheif," said the emperor. "I know that our gods ae going to help you to be victorious."
Among the warriors there was one who was very jealous of Popocatepetl. He thought that he should have been chosen chief, but he didn't say anything of his thoughts.
No one knew that the princess and Popocatepetl were in love. Before leaving for the war, the young cheif went to the palace garden to say goodbye to his beloved.
"I shall return soon, my beloved, " The young man told the princess. "Then, we shall be married." "Yes, and you will always be by my side, isn't that true?"replied the princess. "That's right. I am going to be by your side forever," said the young man.
With these words, Popocatepetl left for the war, which was long and cruel. No one was as brave as the Aztec chief. Finally, the Aztec warriors were victorious and they all prepared to return to the capital. But the warrior who was jealous of Popcatepetl left first. He ran back so fast that he arrived two days before the others. He immediately announced that Popocatepetl was dead that he himself had been the hero of the last battles. For this reason, he should be the next emperor and the husband of the princess.
The poor princess! She was so sad that she wanted to die. The emperor was also sad because he believed that warrior was telling the truth about Popo.
The following day, there was a great party at the palace to celebrate the wedding of the princess and the jealous warrior. Suddenly, the princess screamed, "Oh, my poor Popocatepetl!" and she dropped dead.
At that moment, the Aztec warriors entered the palace. Popocatepetl ran to the side fo the emperor and announced, "We have won. Now the princess and I can be married." There was a great silence. Everyone looked toward the princess.
On seeing that his beloved was dead, the young man ran weeping to her side. He took her in his arms and said "I will be at your side, my darling, until the end of time."
Then the brave chief sadly carried the body of the princess to the highest mountains. He placed her in a bed of beautiful flowers and sat down by her side.
Many days went by. Finally, one of the good gods changed the sweethearts into volcanoes. "Ixy" is silent. But from time to time, "Popo" trembles and from its heart come tears of fire. Then everyone in Mexico knows that "Popo" is weeping for his beloved princess.