Fifth and Sixth Graders: Global Citizens
You are not just a Memphian, an American, or a member of a specific ethnic group.You are a part of a global community. As learners, you are developing skills to participate as global citizens. Take some time to read over the quotes and statements written below and comment in your own words, stating what it means to be a global citizen and what are some ways that you can begin thinking globally/internationally today.
"No man is an island entire of itself; every man
is a piece of the continent, a part of the main"
is a piece of the continent, a part of the main"
- John Donne
A Global Citizen is someone who:
* Is aware of the wider world and has a sense of their own role as a world citizen
* Respects and values diversity
* Participates and contributes to the community on a range of levels
* Challenges social injustice
* Works to make the world a more equal and sustainable place
* Takes responsibility for their actions
Deadline to post is March 9th
I think that these statements give a good reason to recycle and if everybody follows, the world will be a better place to live.
ReplyDeleteI think being a global citizen is to help the environment, and other people around you. I think if you are a global citizen would help others around you, because they would see you doing good things and would think of you as a role model and they would try to act like you did around them. They would start doing good things also.
ReplyDeleteA global citizen is a leader and well known person in his or hers community. They help the world by picking up trash and teaching others to do things just as well.
ReplyDeleteFinding a way to reduce global warming for the community of tommorow.
ReplyDeleteA way to become a global citizen is to donate clothes to the Salvation Army.
ReplyDeleteRecycling is my idea of a way of thinking globally.
ReplyDeleteTo be a global citizen means to not waste any of our fresh water that we are fortunate to have. It also means that we should recycle all that we can and pick up any trash we find on the ground or floor.
ReplyDeleteI think a Global Citizen is a person who makes a difference. They make a difference by setting an example or by helping somebody in need. That is what I think a Global Citizen is. (: ÔÓ˝ÏÎÎÎÎÍÍÍÓÓÍÓÓÓ··‚·°‡flfi´ÓˇˇÁ‰ˇ‰‡‰ˇÏ¨˝Ï¨ÁÏϨ
Deletea good way to become a global citizen is to help others and give back to your community.
ReplyDeleteBeing a global citizen is a big roll. I think that everyone should recycle to help the planet.
ReplyDeleteWonderful ways to become a regular citizen are recycling,donating food and money for services,and doing fun activities including helping the environment.
ReplyDeleteTo be a global citizen means to not liter on the ground and not let the people that are hard-working pick it up for you.You should put the trash in the trash can and put things that can be recycled in the recycling bin.
ReplyDeleteWhen I get old enough I would like to participate in
ReplyDeleteSOS at my church.
I think a global citizen is someone who recycles, reuses items, chooses paper instead of plastic, helps the needy, and teaches others to do the same.
ReplyDeleteI think a global citizen is one who helps the community and continent and also doesn't litter and recycles to help out the environment. Also, as Mary Elizabeth said to teach others to do the same.
DeleteA global citizen helps and leads picking up liter,donating,reusing things,and recycling.