Friday, March 23, 2012

Fifth Grading: Listening Exercise #1

Fifth Graders

Below is a link to a conversation by a native spanish speaker. She is describing what she likes to do. Please listen to the link at least three times and take notes on what she is saying. Then, write a comment on this post, stating what you gathered about her from the video.

Practice listening

Deadline to post: April 13th. 


  1. She was saying that she loved all sports but swimming was her favorite. She said that she usually swam 3 or 2 times a week. She said that she also liked tennis and art. She likes to go to rock concerts and classical music concerts. She likes everything she practices though.

  2. she said she liked to play sports. Specifically, to swim, play tennis and do art. Also, she like to listen to music.

  3. She likes to likes all sports but swimming is her favorite. She also like to paint and do other artsy things

  4. she likes sports and she likes art and music.
